What Makes These Neurodivergent Creators So SPECIAL Feb 9 Written By Ryann Sutera In this video, Ryann Sutera dives into what makes neurodivergent creators so special. From their innovative creativity to their unique perspectives, neurodivergent individuals are reshaping the content creation landscape. Ryann explores how embracing neurodiversity leads to groundbreaking and inclusive art, and why we should celebrate the diverse voices of these creators. If you're passionate about neurodiversity and want to learn how it shapes the creative world, this video is for you! Neurodivergent Creators to Follow Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ZVt1povI57jd-NqnlFhn17tm32laze8mg5-G1r2AC8/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0Click anywhere above to watch on YouTube. Ryann Sutera
What Makes These Neurodivergent Creators So SPECIAL Feb 9 Written By Ryann Sutera In this video, Ryann Sutera dives into what makes neurodivergent creators so special. From their innovative creativity to their unique perspectives, neurodivergent individuals are reshaping the content creation landscape. Ryann explores how embracing neurodiversity leads to groundbreaking and inclusive art, and why we should celebrate the diverse voices of these creators. If you're passionate about neurodiversity and want to learn how it shapes the creative world, this video is for you! Neurodivergent Creators to Follow Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ZVt1povI57jd-NqnlFhn17tm32laze8mg5-G1r2AC8/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0Click anywhere above to watch on YouTube. Ryann Sutera